Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gardening with Grandma

Its good to be a live-in grandparent. Today I planted a garden with my two year old granddaughter. She loved digging in the dirt. The Hub picked up one of those $40 flower bed kits from Home Depot and some dirt from Wal-Mart. It didn't take long for the Hub to assemble the kit. It is made from a fairly heavy duty plastic so it should last a few years. The Princess and I planted Marigolds, Impatience, Sunflowers, Zinnias and 2 tomatoes plants. She then was given a small watering can and shown how to water the plants. She ran back and forth from the tub of water to the garden like she was putting out a fire. Her urgency showed just how important she knew her job was. Her little brother was actually splashing around in the tub of water his sister was filling her watering can from. He didn't seem interested in gardening today. Maybe later.

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