Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Is the Prince lame?

When I was a child I read a story called The Little Lame Prince. It was one of my favorites, but I did feel bad for the Prince in the story. Luckily, for us our little Prince was a much happier and easier baby to take care of than his sister had been. The Hub, also known as Pop, was able to take care of him when CW worked. We didn't want to put the Prince in daycare until he could walk. So we waited for him to walk. He turned one year old and didn't walk. He did crawl, but wouldn't even try to walk. He turned 14 months and still wasn't walking, his doctor was a little concerned. He turned 16 months and still wasn't walking. His doctor recommended we have him evaluated because he seemed developmentally delayed. He also wasn't trying to talk. We were told that if he didn't walk by 18 months then we should be really concerned. WE WERE ALREADY REALLY CONCERNED!
Then a few days before he turned 18 months. He stood up and walked across the living room just like he had been doing it for months. Now I have a theory about why the Prince didn't walk for so long. First you would have to know his sister the Princess(AKA the drama queen). She jumps, dances and bounces around the house like a jet powered Barbie doll. Little brother was probably smart enough to figure out that not standing on two feet until he was taller and fairly steady was his best chance of surviving. The Prince has started trying to talk recently also, mostly so he can yell at his sister.
Siblings,you can't live with them and God gets really mad if you kill them, so what's a kid to do?

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