Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Growing Year!

The Hub and I were mad at first when we found out we were going to be grandparents, not that we didn't see it coming. Our son asked if they could stay with us for a while so that CW could get a full time job and they could save up some money. We offered them the garage which had been converted into a large room with it's own bathroom. Our son thought CW would work the whole time she was pregnant, squat down in a field have the baby, fling it up on her back and get right back to work. I tried to explain to him that there were frequently issues that came up with pregnant women and that he had now drawn a wild card in the game of life. He thought I was nuts. CW did try to work at least part time, but due to health issues it just didn't work out. Unfortunately, for my son it also turned out that CW was allergic to house work. Cleaning fluids gave her a headache, pushing the vacuum cleaner hurt her arm and loading the dish washer hurt her back. So she never did any of those things. I did however insist that she learn how to do laundry and she would on occasion make a small dent in the mountain of stinky clothes the accumulated in their bathroom.
CW was a 20 year old high school graduate with no life skills or job skills (unless you call flipping burgers a job skill). She didn't even have a drivers license. So I taught her how to drive in my car and helped her get her restricted license. Meanwhile, the Hub and I hauled her to doctor appointments and everywhere else she needed to go for the next 15 months.
CW did have one thing she did well and greatly enjoyed besides vegging on TV, she liked to eat. She gained about 65 pounds by the time the baby was born. She ate the wings off a whole chicken coop full of chickens and single handedly kept McDonald's from feeling the recession until well after everyone else had. She ate so much cookie and cream ice cream that the Keebler elves threatened a strike. Her doctors told her to stop eating so much, she didn't. She got gestational diabetes and was put on a special diet, she didn't follow it. They told her the baby was getting too big, and she would need a c-section. She thought a big baby would be easier to take care of. People would ask her if she was having triplets when she went out in public and it made her mad. AND still she ate! I actually had never seen a pregnant woman get stretch marks on their knee caps before, but she did. You almost wanted to feel sorry for her. ALMOST!


  1. I DID NOT have stretch marks on my knee caps OR gain 100 lbs you crazy person . . . it was 60 lbs lol


  2. Oh, ok I changed it to 65 lbs. No Comment on the stretch marks!
